You Could Have It All, My Empire of Squirt

This image isn't relevant to the puzzle really, but is an encapsulation of 2024.

Hi all! It has been a very long time since I've posted on here, but puzzles have kind of fallen to the backburner of my life because things have just been so hectic, both personally and globally. 

As such, Alex, aka Mr. Crossword Nexus, and I have been working on this puzzle for a very long time, but life continued to happen (and our first draft had a typo in it...which is par for the course when making acrostics at this point) and we finally got around to finishing this. I cannot tell you how long I had the tab with this quote in it just rotting in my Chrome window until I was like " you want to enable this?" and he kindly agreed to once again enable me.

I asked Alex if he had anything he wanted me to put in this blog post, and he responded with this:

Additionally, many thanks to Dan of expert-speedsolving-and-owning-orange-cats fame for the test solve and for pointing out the inevitable acrostic typo.



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